This yet another incident, which glorifies Hinduism.
Let it be rajasekara reddy or St Pauls publishing house they all have accepted the defeat and had sought the help of Hinduism.
Friends there are always a difference between pure silver and Silver converted into GOLD. Hinduism is like silver which has got its own value, but there are set of people who propagate that if you get converted to GOLD your value would increase, poor people for want of money get converted to GOLD. But as everyone knows that this silver to gold conversion will not last for long time. Once the gold fades off the original silver's value is exposed.
It is only in India the process of conversion happens, can our great Dinakaran's or SJ's or SDB's visit middle east countries especially Saudi and spread the need of conversion. ? If they have got real guts let them take it as a challenge and do it.
I really don’t know what is cheap fun and joy that these psycho evangelist derive from doing this conversion? ...
Friends please understand that Bharat is sacred country though Ghori or Ghazani invaded Bharat many times and looted lot of money still bahaart is in top of world. I am really upset that this conversion factor is gaining such an importance as because these evangelists want of mint money from ROME...
Our countrymen dinakaran family has acquired huge acres of land to build an engineering college and they claim that lord had ordered them to build an engineering college in co