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This happens only in India
by Vivek Sharma on Aug 03, 2008 04:33 PM

It is really pathetic to hear people die in stampede. This is not first incident, this happens everywhere in India.

The devotees should understand that the god is not there where the temples are there, the god is there within you. Therefore do not go to temple to see god, it is within you. Keep your heart clean where the god actually resides and you do not need to go looking for god all around.
In fact I only once went to see the Lord Venkateshwara and I found it very difficult to breath inside the temple. It was so suffocating inside with fumes and smokes emanting from the pyre and incense sticks and I really wondered how people regularly visit these places.
We humen are not flock of cattles to rush enmass into a small place and meet the Emaraj. Understand friends.
I can only pay respect to those who lost their lives in this unfortunate incident. May god bless them and let their soul live in peace.

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5 killed in Himachal temple stampede