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RE:More than 1 GOD..??
by Jayant Chaudhary on Aug 06, 2008 11:32 AM


Scenario 1:
1) You choose your driver... Also have you ever heard of Pilot and co-Pilot? Have you ever heard of space missions where there are many astronauts with different roles to play?
- That means we can have different Gods playing different roles in life. But you will not get it.
2) There is no such thing as God X says this and God Y says that... We do not have such things as one God said this and other said opposite. They have different roles and reasons to be there.

3) Be aware that there is a concept of only one God in Hinduism also. But at the same time Hinduism accepts that he can have many forms and can be present and seen/felt in many ways. Hinduism also says that there are many paths, but they lead to only one Supreme God, and again it allows people to see him differently and use different names/means for him.

That is the beauty of Hinduism, it does not force a specific God and his 'messanger' on you. It accepts other believes and honors them.

But you being side-blinded like a donkey or mule will not be able to see other's facts.

May you get some wisdom.

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