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RE:More than 1 GOD..??
by ADAMROMANOV on Aug 04, 2008 08:19 AM

you swine of a joker: here's the hyperlink - chk out for yourself:

A verse from RIG

In the verse Sun light speed is referred with the help of units called YOJAN.

"Yojananam Dwe Dwe Shate Dwe Cha Yojane Aken Nimishardhena Krammana Namostute"

In this verse sun is referred to with respect saying that sunlight moves 2202 Yojans in Half Nimish. Yojan is quite a common unit in India. It means 4 KOSE, each kose measuring 8000 BRITISH YARDS AND EACH YARD MEASURING 0.9144 M.

When calculated, its equal to the speed of 186,000 miles per second

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