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Deaths at Naina Devi temple
by MangeswaraSastryB on Aug 03, 2008 07:49 PM

Basically the Indian attitude to life and death is one of indifference.We assume that death is unavoidable and it makes no difference where or when it occurs, as long as it is not 'we' who die.We never learn from history and ignore the past record in such matters. The so called ministers,MLAs or District Magistrates who rush to the scenes of tragedy could have very well ensured before hand that some basic precautions were taken.It is the notorious white collar attitude of our men and women that is the root of such tragedies because the men who take decisions and issue orders hardly ever bother to witness how the actual implementation is going on. They assume it below their status to actually go out into the field and see what goes on.Such calamities are bound to occur again and again.

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5 killed in Himachal temple stampede