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Lets b One
by syed nadeem on Aug 02, 2008 11:27 PM

Well, sumtimes the comments made here made me really wonder r v really Indians,,?? if we r true indians we shud stand as ONE against anyone inthe world,but we have always followed divide ourself n b happy,, so we are here still slaves of US, Politicians, Governments, Communal Parties all,,, we have always raised our voice only among families, relatives, Freinds, colleagues but when the situation comes for anyone of us to take lead we Educated Mature Indians who can really make difference are always behind the screen or better as audience to comment. TERRORISM- wher it is not ther, which country which city is free of terrorism, every day ther r terrorist activities in , bt the name as ISLAMIC TERRORISM surfaced after 9/11, the whole responsible is US fr being part of Gulf war, atrocities in middleeast, in iraq palestine all this all let to formation of Islamic Terrorism as no govt ws ready to stand against US except saddam hussain's Iraqm today we hve terrorsist in evry religion or continent, in russia, in srilanka LTTE , in us its own Army m in pakistan ISI, in India Naxals and many other organization in name of religion ,,

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