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The Treaty was unequal and unfair to the Indian people
by Dipak Bose on Apr 25, 2008 01:55 PM

The Treaty was another historic blunder of Nehru, who gave away India to the Nepalese for nothing. Nepalese can come to India, get jobs even in the government and in the military forces, get elected to central and state parliaments, panchayets and even demand seperate state, as they are now doing in west Bengal by shutting up the whole district of Darjeeling.
However, India need to get permission to buy property or to get a job. The discriminations against the people of Indian origin is very high in Nepal. Nepalese have taken over Sikkim where the original people Lepchas and Bhutias are in a minority today.
All Nepalese should be decalred as Foreigners, and they should be in the government or in any elected post. They are not allowed to do strike to demand seperate states. Their rights in India should be restricted as they are foreigners.

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