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Mayawati should stop her gimmicks now!!!
by rajarshi banerjee on Apr 19, 2008 08:53 PM

It is high time Mayawati stop her own monkey tricks and gimmicks. It seems she has also hit the same road like the left front which loudens the rhetoric of withdrawing support and then quietens down on its own after a few days. If they really have the guts let them do it NOW!!Anyways with her handful of 17MPs she is not going to cause much heartburn for Sonia Gandhi or her brats, one goes to meet a convicted terrorist while the other one tries all kinds of political stunts to attract attention after having failed miserably in each exercise of his. Enough of this, let her first get her own act together and bring UP back on track. Sonia and UPA will anyway not need her as their rubber stamp Pratibha has already been elected to Presidentship.

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