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Mayawati Statement On Rahul
by Surendra Borkar on Apr 19, 2008 10:32 PM

It is mistake of our leaders who took the responsibilities of running the nation in good governance. The basic reasons is that the we do not have enough money to take care of our people, because of two main reasons 1- The population of country has crossed the red mark because of political aims 2- The political leaders and officers are becoming more rich, resulting massive corruption in all wings of our functionery. If the government not comming with heavy hand we are landing in big trouble. The officers working in government taken granted that the accepting bribe for all most all works is their rights. We are not even left the judiciary. The appointments of judges in country has to be audited by senior judges of Appex Court. There should be very strong watchdog machinery to watch the activities of HC and Lower Court Judges. The Income Tax dept. also have same role in the affairs. But everywhere corruption. The politicians are most corrupt in the country that is the reasons the comman man is facing problems. If you look in the financial position before 30 years of your MP and MLA and now present posiiton of same people, it is surprise to note that the most of the government money is going in the pocket of leaders and officers. If it is not stop at this juncture the situation will be worsed, and it will be beyond repairs. The only solution in to save India, is to vote such leader who are non corrupt. The price rise in India will continued, to worsed.

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