There is nothing to do with Brahminism with this great article. Yes he is a Brahmin, and yes, this is what a brahmin should be. I am a non brahmin and I know in Vedas the cast-ism was done on basis of Karma and not by priviledge. A brahmin by birth may not be a brahmin if he doesn't have a quality of a brahmin, that is knowledge, wisdom, compassion and lack of greed and fame. In Vedic period, a son of a 'sudra' could be a Brahmin, if he had those qualities and vise versa. The so called Brahminical priviledged society is born after Manusamhita, which is a distortion of classical Vedantic Hinsuism, which gave us the sin of casteism by-birth and untouchability. What this person did is he followed Geeta in his whole life, that is he did his karma with devotion, without thinking about the fruit of it. Yes, he is a true Brahmin, not only by birth, but by his qualities. Really inspires. Reminds me about Vivekananda's teachings.