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whats wrong with you all
by on Apr 18, 2008 05:54 AM

Hey guys %u2026%u2026what%u2019s wrong with you all%u2026..did all that Tibetans assured Indian government that there will no any if even a small incident will give a chance to western media to spoil India%u2019s image regarding security measures of Olympic torch. We Indian have nothing to do with problems of Tibet and china . we already have many problems in India. India%u2019s priority is to protect Olympic torch.

People from Tibet have no right in India to express their feeling against china. Suppose in future people from any country will come to India and start protesting and expressing their feelings%u2026%u2026will we allow%u2026????? Its matter of our security and prestige. Olympic torch was India%u2019s responsibility when it was in India%u2026it has nothing to do with china-Tibet issue. What ever Indian government did was right for security reasons it doesn%u2019t mean that china is detecting India. India and China both are future super power. Don%u2019t be misguided by western media. They don%u2019t want Asian country to grow up. Understand it.

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