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sad after reading this post
by ashish sinha on Apr 18, 2008 07:45 AM

I read this post.. and even in this hour of being bullied by china, I did not see a single politician who had the courage to say that we have given up to the chineese.

everybody is using diplomatic language, so that it does not sound rude to china. DOes china also do the same to us ?

Particularly it was shameful to see one of the politician acknowledge that china has a claim on Indian territory. Why should we even acknowledge ? Its a tacit approval of china's stand. Oh my god, where has patriotism vanished in these people.

How spineless and foolish are we? Free tibet could have been in the best interest of our security, yet we follow one china policy to portray ourselves as a *good boy* on the international stage.

very shameful. we are a handicapped nation.

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