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Wake up and take stans!!!
by debjyoti chatterjee on Apr 18, 2008 07:09 AM

We Lost!!! Yes Indeed. I agree with Kiran Bedi. Our Govt has messed it up all. They should have allowed the general people to see the event specially the kids. Its not everyday that the Olympic tourch is being carried. Though said that let me make out why our Govt acted in this way. So 1stly, Its because India is all set to held the 2010 common wealth games and they want to re-use the waste from the China Olympics. They need lot of support from China then with their expirience. India hope to host Olympic in future and again it will look upto Chinese Govt to pull support. 2ndly, Our present Govt is almost hostaged by Left front. They can't allow the Govt to do something which could un-please the Chinese Govt. If they do so then how can they meet their both ends up. With these developments I fear that some fine day China may tell India to hand over Arunachal Pradesh to them. Please stand up on issues of humanity and world concerne. Have our Govt ever tried so hard to stop cross border terrorist sponcership or helping Pakistan?

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