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RE:whats wrong with you all
by Mayya Suresh on Apr 18, 2008 06:27 AM

We can't have problems with Tibet as our first prime minister surrendered to China on this issue. We have problems with Chinese claim on Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and their covert support to ULFA and communists in India. We have problems with China providing arms and nuclear technology to Pakistan for use against India. We have problems with Chinese diverting a lifeline in Bhramaputra river being diverted to China and flooded to India if there is excess water. We have problems with Chinese intepreting the Indo-US CIVILIAN nuclear agreement and comparing that with their covert nuclear arms technology transfer to Pakistan. We don't care about this torch.....which is more a money making business than anything to do with sports. China and India will ofcourse be superpower...but not together. One at the expense of the other. Hint: Thanks largely to one-child policy, China is sitting on a aging population.

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