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RE:1962 war pact
by viral raval on Apr 17, 2008 09:51 AM

Absolutely right bro...but you look at the replies you've got. People still not accepting facts and want to live life by fighting and discriminating each other. If someone take stance and try to discuss such problem that person will be humiliated by others. Do not pay attention becuase you might be from different caste than those people or might different religion. Sometimes i feel shame to say i m Indian becuase of such people. Such people never do good thing in society and do not even allow to do....That's the reason, it is almost hard for us to be a strong country in a world. Our biggest enemies are inside india and they are living with us... I consider them more dangerous than terrorist becuase terrorist atleast accept they are terrorist but people who are creating obstacle to develop good, fair and equal policy are not accepting they are wrong....pretty sad...but bare truth....india needs to do lots of things for a welfare of every people of our country..
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