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Reyur item: Sri Lanka accuses Amnesty International
by Saravan Muttiah on Apr 15, 2008 02:20 PM

The really guilty party is the Sri Lanka state and its extremist Agents who unashamedly carry out an ethno-religious war against Tamil citizens and commit reprehensible human rights violations and crimes against humanity. It clothes itself in exculpatory laws using its race and religious majoritarianism to escape the commission of crimes. It ignores international humanitarian laws even in combat and is blind to UN and INGO reports calling for observers. Rather, it seeks to call such bodies "names" such as "Tigers", a school boy stunt, in the hope of excaping culpability or even accountabilty for its crimes. The IIEE has exposed its vacuos claims to judicial account. It is time for the international community to bring about accountabilty by SL for its mounting alleged crimes against humanity in the UN.

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