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The Great Indian Divide
by aparajita chatterjee on Apr 14, 2008 06:23 PM

At the outset, let me begin with thanking Prof.Gupta for this analysis. It gives me - the representative of a common person from India (EPITOMIZED BY THE GREAT RK LAXMAN BRAND)something to reflect which we identify with scores of other deprived masses (including both so called lower & upper cases in our social hierchy). Thanks to our political theatre, the democratic law-abusing masses gets their daily dosage of inspiration to slug it out in the most undemocratic ways to cheat and deprive our fellow homo-sapiens in every sphere of our existence. Ofcourse, we believe in the great time-tested adage - 'Nothing is unfair in war and love'. As we continue to procreate more (our self belief in the economies of scale in billions - $billionaires, billion populations etc) we have to find innovative ways to screen out the significant other. So the great theory of reservation. I guess Mr.Darwin, Mr.Nehru, Mr.Ambedkar are turning in their graves to see how India moves ahead using the great weapon of selective representation.

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