I thought as per Indian constitution, we have right for education, and everyone is treated equally irrespective of their religion and caste. But it seems, their is basic flaw in the seven basic rights defined in our constitution. I am really demoralized, that because of these politicians, they amend law which actually gives us sleepless nights and hurt our sentiments. On one side we have people like the one in government who divide us on the name of caste and on other side we have people like Raj Thakarey who divide on the basis of region. Till today, I always paid tax in all my obedience but now i know that the money i paid is going to children who don't deserve that and while children who deserve are not allowed to enter competition. After all this I swear, next time I will never pay complete tax, I will use every possible corrupt option to get my work. Why should i be bothered about ethics....