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Holy KORAN lol
by Sandeep sharma on Apr 08, 2008 07:18 PM

Some other quotes from your Holy Book:
* Kill non-believers (4:89)
* Non-believers go to hell (4:140, 7:36)
* God sealed the heart of non-believers, great penalty(2:7)
* In their heart is a disease, God has increased the disease(2:10)
* Unbelievers make mischief on earth(2:11,12)
* Be apes (2:65)
* Intentionally preventing unbelievers from knowing the truth(6:25, 110)
* God could guide, if chose to, but He did not (6:35)
* Those who reject faith are dogs(7:176)
* Smite unbelievers at neck and cut off fingers (8:12)
* Penalty for unbelievers is fire (8:14)
* Most grievous punishment (2:81,104)
* Penalty shall not be lightened (2:86)
* God curses the blasphemers (2:88)
* God curses those without faith (2:89)
* God's wrath and humiliating punishment (2:90)
* God is an enemy to those who reject faith (2:98)
* Disgrace and exceeding torment for unbelievers (2:114)
* Companion of blazing fire(2:119)
* Only Islam is acceptable(3:85)
* Punishment for rejecting faith (3:91)
* No friends from outsiders(3:118)
* Punishment for apostates (3:86-88, 3:90, 4:137, 16:106)
* Torment for non-believers (4:56)
* Partial believers will go to hell too (4:150)
* No friendship with non-believers (3:28,4:144)
* Severe punishment for atheists (5:10,5:86)
* No friendship with Jews, Christians(5:51)
* It is not ye who slew them; it was God(8:17)
* Unbelievers are impure, will be heaped together and cast into hell(8:37)

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