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This Tibet event has done good for Chinese Govts
by David Dak on Apr 09, 2008 08:41 AM

Acctually, this tibet event has helped Chinese Govts a lot to unite Chinese in and out side of China. Go to search BBC or other forum to see how Chinese response the lies reported by western media. To see how Chinese response the disruption of the Olympics touch relay. You will see that this event is 100 time efficient to unite Chinese than Chinese Govts' propaganda. Especially, those overseas Chinese students in UK, France and USA have experienced what is the so called "democracy" and experienced how the western media biased and lied about China and tibet. Do not under estimate these students. They will be leaders in either political or bussiness arenas in the future China. You western humiliate Chinese now, then you will receive the humiliation in the future. Chinese, especially overseas Chinese will not believe western democracy, not believe western media anymore. This is what Chinese Govts want to do for the last 50 years. Now western give a hand to Chinese Govts to educate Chinese youngsters and Chinese now know that only their Govts care about them and care about China. All the western human right talks are hypocratical. This time, western did not make enemy of Chinese Govts but become a enemy of 1.5 billion Chinese people. West, you have done a good job for China.

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