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RE:out of proportion
by ChamanLal Koul on Apr 06, 2008 01:45 AM

Dont bluff ..go and check the reality yourself.There have been mass gaves ..found in far villages recently which are hundred kilometers from city or downtown area..your 7,00,000 army and forces are fighting just 600 odd millitants elections can be fair ..isnt it..if people dont comeout for vote they will be forcibly shown as voters and you will see that things are normal.Many a times your army votes like an aam what are you trying to justify and control "kashmir" that was never yours nor will ever be much you try to convince yourselves "truth always prevails".now you will write few abuses calling me a "terrorist",thats what you can do best by living in fools is it that you can be free and others dont have a right to be can criticise china for tibet but not your government because you think you are a democracy.Ask your goverment its meaning and if you are really one...What you see has never been there..kashmiris have never seen india as their simply forcible occupation by both india and pak.we pandits and all kashmiris have been victims of indian and pakistani rivalry..please leave us to our selves

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