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RE:Pak firm on its 'historic stand' on Kashmir
by Nirpinder Singh on Apr 06, 2008 04:22 PM

The Indian Government asked the Maharaja to sign an Instrument of Accession of J&K to India. This the Maharaja did and India air lifted platoons of its Army to Srinagar. The Indian Army was effective in halting the advance of the Pakistan Army/Tribal invaders. As soon as the Indian Army started pushing the
invaders back Nehru was struck by a desire for international diplomacy and decided to take the dispute to the United Nations.
Apparently the Army Officers of the Indian Army tried to convince Nehru to wait since they were confident of pushing the invaders back from all of the territory of J&K that had been occupied. However Nehru did not relent. As soon as the dispute reached the UN the Security Council decided that both sides (India and Pakistan) should observe a ceasefire and hold the positions that they occupied on the day of the ceasefire. Both sides agreed. The ceasefire position became what we today call the LOC or Line of Actual Control.
Now what is the basis for the UN Resolution (of 1948 I believe) regarding J&K that is so oft quoted by Pakistan and what all has
transpired in all of these years of "discussions" perhaps someone else will be so kind as to enlighten us

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