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by Kabeer on Apr 06, 2008 02:45 PM

It is high time for you guys in Pakistan, to patch up with India. Let there be a statesman.

Whatever solution that you want get it quickly.

Pakistans strategy should be to see that India do not go with USA. That makes India becoming an adversary to China. US does not need Pakistan in the long run. That makes Pakistan being dependent on China to counter India. China being developing-developed economy can not spare huge funds for Pakistan. USA too will not provide funds to Pak. IN its race of arms with India, Pak will internally bleed for resources as is happening for the last 60 years.

Win over India by aligning with it rather than fighting it.

The correct strategy is align with India and settle the Kashmir issue at status quo level except with a soft border at valley where two countries LoC meet. That is acceptable to India as it is already having a sort of autonomy through article 360 in its constitution. Kashmiris should also be happy at this deal, as it gives them the best possible deal under the circumstances. If they join Pak they have to suffer economically with no support coming from India. Keep the autonomy status and keep extracting sources from India.

Pak by alinging with India, can economically develop be pumping resources meant for defence. See that India, China will form an alliance with Pak as a junior partner. That gives Pak the support of China if India ditches.

Mullahs be told India is better than US. That also keep Indian Muslims secure

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