It is in India where one can say modern Civil Disobedience took root. Yet as we witness scenes from Burma (do not refer to it as Myanmar as it was renamed by the oppressive Military Junta goverment)where Monks, students and common people have all come together to demonstrate against the Junta - as America, Britain, the UN have called on the Burmese Goverment to observe restrant and pay heed to the protesters, India remains silent. Yes the Indian Government has contracts with the Junta Government but can we not put self-interest behind and give unconditional support to the people of Burma? We as a naton love to fling words like Democracy,Freedom and Self-Determnation around and yet the Government has not pressurized the Junta to follow democratic traditions. The Burmese uprising may or may not succeed but taking aposition against the Military Junta is the right thing to do. The Indian Government must speak up for the brave Burmese people who are finally asking for their rights.