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The Apathy
by binay mahapatra on Sep 24, 2007 04:31 PM

The state is really obsessed with so many nagativities both natural and atrificial. Through out the year Orissa faces with Drought, Flood, Cyclone which are due to nature. Certain other calamities which are man-made like apathy of Central Government towards the state in all regards whether it is establishment of any Govt Educational Institute of national repute, setting up of any Industrial unit and many more such issues.

Further, the populace of the state don't have the feeling for the development of the state. They are not comming out of the petty politics and getting influenced by political leaders from other states who are more worried about their own state than Orissa. Since the state is embodiment of huge natural resources, which is the natural reason for attracting so many investors of national and international repute, that becomes bone of contention with others. Therefore, the state has to be friendly with all such investments just to avoid the initial hiccups towards industrialisation. Once there is a kick start, then there is no looking back. Come on Oriya people, come on. Claim for your dignified position without which there is no recognition.

God bless,

Binay K Mahapatra

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Orissa hit by fresh floods