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God bless Orissa
by pratap dixit on Sep 24, 2007 04:48 PM

I have seen the news of natural calamities like flood, heavy rain reeled under many cities comes into front page of news paper.Orissa has been suffering from this gets focused at last moment.The news papers are also politicized and printing the news relating the political turbulent which brings the violence in the innocent mind.The RYTHM ( Raise yourself to help mankind) is lost.In a year Orissa ppl are suffering by this natural calamity 4 to 5 times. But this time it is like 1999 type (Super Cyclone) . It needs everyone's attention to this pathetic situation for boosting the moral and financial help. Center should give primary attention to its ppl.But the Govt does politics and not looking a single eye to it. Only God can help it and Its benevolence may help ppl to get rid of it.May God Bless Orissa.

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Orissa hit by fresh floods