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RE:Kidnap Case of Hyderabad.
by Great Opportunity on Sep 05, 2007 08:47 PM

I'm watching my favorite show on TV,when the phone rings.There's a lady on the phone.Lady: Hello?BSNL?My phone is not working for.. Me(interrupting)I think you have the wrong number.Lady:Oh! I'm sorry.. &I hang up.3 seconds later, it rings again. Same Lady:Hello?BSNL?My phone is not working...Me:Ma'am,the no. you are dialing is wrong !,& hang up.I return to the TV.the phone rings again.Lady: BSNL?don't play games with me,OK?I know this is the right no.I realized that lady was not going to let me watch TV unless someone listened to her complaint.Me:Welcome to BSNL's automated fault booking service.To continue in English, press one.Beep The lady had pressed the '1'.Me:To register a complaint press the last 5 digits of your Driving License number.BEEP The lady furiously rummaging through her bag for License.After a while beep-beep-beep-beep-beep.Me:Because of all the SPAM we are receiving, we will perform a check to see if you are human.Enter the result of 35 X 4 / 12. I can hear the lady shouting out.Lady:Prakash, quick!What is 35 times 4 by 12? Prakash:What?Why do you need that?Lady:I'm registering a complaint for our dead phone.Prakash:But why would you need..Lady:JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION.'s..aa...eleven point beep-beep.The lady enters 1-1 on the dial.Me:Your complaint has been registered.Lady sounds pleased. I can hear her.Lady:I like BSNL. They have such a high tech system.They didn't even have to ask me for the number of our landline that is dead.Cool!

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IT couple's kidnapped son found