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human rights activists-A big joke
by jimmy koul on Sep 05, 2007 10:05 AM

Kashmir valley has been facing violence since last 17 years. Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives due to Islamic terrorists and also by Indian forces deployed there. Along with the battle of terrorists and Indian armed forces, there has also been a battle of Ideologies between the population of Kashmir i.e. between Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmir Hindus. This ideological clash is basically between non Muslims and fanatic Muslim mentality who want there should be only one religion in world i.e. Islam. Incidentally I am being told Islam means Peace! I wonder if this is peace then what does violence mean!!! World%u2019s powerful countries like U.S.A and U.K have also been targeted by Islamic terrorists and these countries are fighting to eliminate terrorism from the globe. Over these years one new saying has come into existence%u201D every Muslim may not be a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim%u201D. Pakistan who is behind all the terrorist activities carried in Kashmir had a specific strategy which they had copied from their long term ally China. Pakistan followed what China did to Tibet. In 1950 more than 80% of population of Tibet was Tibetan 70% of population in Tibet is Chinese! Pakistan also targeted ethnic cleansing of more than 4lakh Kashmir pundits through their so called jehadis or terrorists who brutally murdered thousands of Kashmir pundits and scores of ladies were raped and murdered.All this happened with the active support of majority popula

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