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RE:Need of the Hour
by Anupkumar BhaskaraPillai on Sep 05, 2007 09:45 AM

Why "any insult to any religion" is not acceptable?? Who gave these religions that superior sanctity? Why is it that "insult to believers" is not acceptable but insult to non-believers is? And by the way, if you guys(Muslims/christians/hindus alike) are true believers then dont you guys believe that your gods will take care of them (those who "insult" religions) and send them straight to hell/punish them with repeated births or whatever? Where is the need for you guys to shout at those who "insult" religions???? You guys neither trust your gods nor yourself! My take is anyone shd have right to say anything on any religion..if anybody gets "sentimentally hurt" its their problem and its they who shd go to the psychiatrist and learn how not to get "sentimentally hurt" for anything and everything that has got to do with religion!!

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