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Hate Propaganda
by mohd khan on Sep 05, 2007 10:30 AM

Now that rediffmail has started this message board can know how much hatered is being nutured in the hearts which looked neutral seems people here eat, breath and live pakistan...and connect 18 crore muslims with pakistan and make them guilty of all that is bad and ugly and the recipe is ready..what i fear is a mass destruction...because India is not Iraq or Afghanistan with a few million people...that kind of onslought would be lethal for India...if the old recipe of Hindu Muslim Sikh Isai vanishes with the hatered that many fundmentalist minded want, then this country would be thrown in fire that will engulf the whole world...therefore, it is important to integrate muslims in the mainstream of the country..but India being part of the US propaganda against muslims...which has been exposed by CPI falling prey to creating a never ending abyss with the muslim is time that in the mid term polls congress is routed out and muslims have their own political party..and muslims should demand 18% reservation in everything that is India or India...because constitute over 18% of is time that we start demanding what is rightfully ours...we Indian Muslims should not look for extension of Pakistan...instead should integrate with India with our rightful demands of 18% reservation

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