When Congress has started the dirty game by having its MLA Hariprasad use gutter language against Modi it should have known that enough data is available to start unravelling the history and antecedents of the Nehru Family. The Congress and Dynasty should know that it cant hit someone and not expect a reaction.
Truth about the GANDHI dynasty
At the very beginning of his book, "The Nehru Dynasty", astrologer K.N.Rao mentions the names of Jawahar Lal's father and grandfather. JawaharLal's father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal's father was one Gangadhar Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal's only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland of tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with Feroze.
Why? No one tells us that !
Now, who is this Feroze? We are told by many that he was the son of the family grocer. The grocer supplied wines, etc. to Anand Bhavan,previously known as Ishrat Manzil, which once belonged to a Muslim lawyer named Mobarak Ali. Moti Lal was earlier an employee of Mobarak Ali.
What was the family grocer's name? One frequently hears that Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the maternal grandfathers. In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important grandfather in most societies.
Why is it then no where we find Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather's name