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Where are those human right activists and politicians, national media
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 12:57 PM

Who had deliberately covered for 10 days continoulsly the mob thrash to a criminal in Bhagalpur of Bihar? They made it a national news getting flashed everywhere for 10 days!
Why they were so much in favor of that criminal? Or it was just as another case of yellow journalism to defame Bihar, for which they are paid by some political clients?
Let me tell you that within past 1 month there have been 30 cases of public lynching all across India, but why only highlight Bihar? and that too when there people are doing justice to criminals! Within a day minority commission as well as Human right activists had reached Bhagalpur. where were they now in all these 30 cases as well as this one? The clear fact is that all machineries and agencies today have become sold out ientity which are controlled by politicians for personal mileages. They are the same people who protest against arrest of terrorists like Geelani and hanging of Afzal!

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