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People attacked and killed at lonavla station
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:09 PM

Where are the police when you need them? Isn't a public place like the station supposed to be guarded by the police at night especially? Aren't the railway police or guards supposed to check the stations to see that no one damages railway property that includes the station premises?
Can one believe that no one was about in the area? We all know that stations are always busy with rickshaw, autos, labourers sleeping around the station and approach roads. If so many people were there, assaulted and killed, this must have taken some time, how come no one heard the screaming, noises and shouting that must have been there?
There is something not clear in this affair, looks like people have been warned to keep their mouths shut. Politics again, of the worst kind?

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Five stoned to death near Pune