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BJP should be kept away
by Amol on Oct 03, 2007 12:39 PM

The need of the hour is to keep BJP away at any cost. The real fears for India are division of India based on religion, which the BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrangi's are aspiring to do. You can see that wherever BJP has ruled they have kileed the minorities, incited the people to kill each othet in the name of GOD. Wheresa the people who died were all from the lower castes, the Brahmins who decide the policies for these organisations are always free pouring the poison ion the society.

The thought of BJP in power is really scary. What will they do ? In the name of RAM and Hindutva, they will start civil war in India. All works for peace & prosperity will be stalled and the only work they will start is pouring poison in the Indian society and inciting people to kill each other. This helps them as Brahmins remain at top and the lower castes keep on fighting in the name of RAM.

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