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RE:Gandhi was a Big Failure
by Mookiah Iyengar on Oct 02, 2007 10:45 PM

Enough of Gandhi propaganda. He was a cheat and you guys are cheating in his name even after 60 years. He always cared about his name and pleasing the upper caste people. He never even understood the evils of Hindu caste system. The upper caste guys killed him after they got what they wanted, namely the power. It was a mafia struggle. One crook killing the other. No wonder India is one of the most corrupt nation in the world. From rickshaw guy to top level smart scientists are all crooks. You give them nuclear technology and the fuel to make electricity for the poor and the mass, they will clandestinely use it for making bomb. Even now , they talk about their rights to make bomb and not about energy needs. The guy who is interested in making missiles is a great scientist.What a joke? Wake up India. These guys will be cheating you in the name of Gandhi for ever. It is time they spend your tax money for good education for all, good health care, good infrastructure and good agricultural production. There are lot of countries in the world which do not have bombs and missiles provide better quality life for their citizens. Don't let these guys spend your money for special interests. Stop the Gandhi propaganda and stop the nonsense of " sare jaha se accha" because you are not.

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Gandhi Jayanti calls for introspection