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Late Kamaraj's life is very relevant at present!
by Gautam nil on Oct 03, 2007 02:08 PM

"Face the problem. Don't evade it. Find a solution, however small. People will be satisfied if you do something." was the advice rendered to his team of ministers by late shri. K.Kamaraj, when he was the chief minister of the then Madras Province in south India, who is also incidentally known as the king maker! He died by coincidence on the day of the birth day of Gandhiji, the father of the nation!
He activated entire province machinery by his extraordinary experience, acquired during his ascent from a grass root worker to Chief Ministership and his dynamic nature, though did not complete even primary education! He brought fame to the province by elevating it as the best province in entire country within his first five years from 1954 to 1959, though further imporved till 1963, when he voluntarily resigned to serve his party along with many other leaders to strengthen I.N.Congress under his own proposal! Madras stood first in education, rural electrification and also in industries besides others too, among entire nation within first five years! He was made president of A.I.C.C., by late Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru and in turn, shri Kamaraj made late Mrs. Indira Gandhi as the Prime minister on expiry of late shri Lal Bhahadur Shastri. He was born poor, and died poor! He was the people%u2019s dynamic leader who can be called,%u201D South Indian Gandhi%u201D!
What can be better way of remembering father of nation who lived for the poor, than the distribution of copies of glitt

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Gandhi Jayanti calls for introspection