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Introspect Sonia, are your actions Gandhian?
by Gautam nil on Oct 04, 2007 03:54 PM

"It is not the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi that is in question today... it is whether we have the courage to emulate his preachings and what he lived and died for," asks Sonia Gandhi, the Chair person of the ruling U.P.A. in the U.N., on the occasion of birth anniversary of the father of nation! Perhaps, the spirit of late Gandhiji is in tears now on the total disregard to his preachings in their day to day deliberations of present Indian National Congress of which Sonia is the president!
Are following people- poor oriented programmes that could help them upgrade their quality of life?
1) Did liberalisation contribute to common man or the poor? If yes, how?
2)Did vacation of the farmers to construct dams now, benefit them? If yes, how?
3)Did vacation of poor, after allowing to settle initially, benefit them? If so how?
4) Did vacation of farmers and other comparative poor to allot so vacated land to Industrialists at concessional rates benefit them? If so how?

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Gandhi Jayanti calls for introspection