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by Vaibhav Nangare on Nov 26, 2007 07:10 PM

Almost everyone is cursing Dewe Gowda. No doubt he is at fault. All these views come from white collered intellectuals who judge the person by their outside appearance. He may be bafoon, he may be a sleeeping bull. He may be anything but he is certainly not a fool.

It is Yeddy and his party BJP. Even after playing and loosing the game in UP they negotiated with Gowda in this 20-20 match. This is the most opportunist party in Indian politics. I think no regional party should allow BJP to enter in the state.

Elections are not won by the support of intellectuals but you should have the support of village population. I think Gowda with his image as humble farmer will steal the show from BJP or Congress. Lets wait for Elections and its results. He knows when to open cards at least in Karnataka

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'My opponents want to create a tamasha'