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RE:Very Good.
by Edwin Navaratnam on Nov 23, 2007 05:29 AM

Yes every one knows that peace talks and the problem solved through political means is the best solution. However this does not work with the Sinhalese, as since independence sucessive Sinhala governments have only been intent on making Sri Lanka a true Sinhala Buddhist state. This has been their dream. The British gave the two historical Tamil provinces in the North and East ( which other than a few broken hundred years of rule here and there ) they have never controlled. All previous peace and political agreements have never been honoured by any Sinhala government they sign it and then when Sinhala resistance starts they tear it up. And for the anti Tamils here even the agreement made with the Indian government in 1987 which gave some rights to the Tamil minority has now been dishonoured. Any peaceful agitation or protest by theTamils have always been met with severe violence and burning and looting of Tamil homes business and property. these were generally organised by the then ruling Sinhala givernments/oppositions with ministers members of parliment, Buddhist priests and the armed forces and the police actively participating in this. The local tlevision radio and the newspapers then writhe articles or broadcast stating that the Tamils deserve this as they have agitated for rights which should not be given to them etc. FOrgettin g the fact thaat the SriLankan Tamils have the same right to the land as the Sinhalas. The figthig was the last resort

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23 LTTE rebels killed in Sri Lanka