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RE:sonia gandhi zindabad
by Vladimir Stalin on Nov 16, 2007 09:51 PM

I look at it differently. In all probability Uncle Sam has pressurized China into arm-twisting indian commic lap dogs into submission. The Chinks must have done that with an eye on the billions pouring into Shanghai etc. The Chinks have already realized the futility of Marxist ideology but they are holding on to it for the raw power it gives the ruling clique in ruling a billion plus population with an iron hand. For them running dogs like Prakash Karat or Sitaram Yechury, and the other banerje, mukherjee, chatterjee bengali brahmin communists and namboodiri communist dogs from kerala are errand boys who can be merely looked at into submission. So that is what is perhaps happening that these leftover comic junkies are singing different tunes today in contrast with what they were doing till recently.

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