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RE:Pandu Havaldar
by S Janardan on Nov 17, 2007 07:00 AM

U R wrong. They were never Chinese. They can't ever be. They are East Pakis. They get donations from their counterparts in the chinkland and work for them. A few days ago also, they were saying why not we make a similar deal with China. But these commies don't know that China is a friend of Pakis. They are in a illusion that they are still in East Pakistan. Thatswhy they fail to understand how impossible it (N-Deal with China) is. They didn't even know that it's been a unipolar world. China still is in its distant dreams. China is not yet a developed country at all. Recently, they understood the influence of USA. But they have not given up. Very soon, while begging, WB CM Buddhababu and Nirupambabu are going to burn the effigies of GW Bush on the streets of Manhattan. Buddhababu has been an expert in burning effigies of US leaders since his student days. Unfortunately, the US leaders didn't even get those information. Now the opportunity has come. Buddha will demonstrate his skills and it will be shown live by ABC, CNN etc. Cheer up, guys!

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