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RE:Left party's condition
by S Janardan on Nov 17, 2007 06:40 AM

The problem was due to China's disapproval to the N-Deal. Over and above, if the commies have digested the gift of $20 mils from China, obviously that's a problem. It's very unfortunate that UPA government is blackmailed by these guys. You probably are wrong in one count. These Indian commies are not pigbrains. Their bosses live in China, the great chinkland. What is Indian communism? It's a cult. Either you are with them or not. We or They. If you are at 'They' side, you can be tortured, harassed at any scale you can think of. See, Sonia with Raul had to travel to Beijing for Chink blessing. Now N-Deal is through. Once Hu was wooed by Sonia, CPI(M) agreed. No confusions - right? But the drama these clown made degraded our country. It appears that a deal must have been made for Nandigram issue against N-Deal during the luncheon between Karats and MMS after the trip of Sonia. Complex things. Just trying to analyze. And, don't worry, in future, these same (?)commies including Karat (prime objector against the deal) would say that this (opposing the deal) was another HISTORIC BLUNDER by the Chinese Party of India. Do you think they really care for India? Anyway, let us wait for the circus.

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Left gives green signal for IAEA talks