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Only people with inferiority complex oppose this deal
by souvikmeister on Nov 16, 2007 11:44 PM

What most people don't understand stems largely from their lack of confidence in Indian Scientists. Please understand that India did not need US support nor did it have scientists stealing nuclear secrets from other countries like our neighbors to the west and the north (China) to develop nuclear technology. It was done by gifted Indian scientists like Homi Bhaba. Today, India's government is rich enough to buy Uranium for wherever it chooses without America's support. Our military capabilities are not beholden to America.
We need the nuclear deal to have uranium to meet our civilian needs NOT military needs. Military needs are already being met!
What's in it for America? Here's what they want: they have not built a single nuclear power plant in their country for the last 30 years and the entire nuclear industry is dying out. This deal will revive their industry and economy in a major way. It will be an effective recovery of jobs that have been lost to outsourcing. That's what they stand to gain.
They also have "hopes" to have CIA infiltrate our plants and spy on our military. But I believe the Indian establishment has a moderately good track record in catching spies. We did it in ISRO a few years back and also made the RAW traitor Ravinder Chadda run away to US. The US is not a "clean" country. But Indians are smart enough to know that and be wary of that while taking the benefits from the relationship. Have faith in your country.

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