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May be this time..lefties were used by the congress!!
by anand vasanthrao kondaguli on Nov 17, 2007 04:05 AM

With regard to the finalisation of this deal,congress was not in a position to say to USA like the way lefties told to the nation.In a larger perspective because of left parties,the west realised that India isn't an easy country to deal with.One should not be wondered because of this whole row,India might get what she wanted.Its always good to have such left forces,in the India's growth story.Having written good about the left,I am not great fan of them but we must not forget that they are neutralising force,without them we can be easlily taken granted at home and as well by the west.If we accept everything from Americans,they are capable of doing worst things, we might even fail to notice.They are the most practical people on earth for them their interest is the first!! In all left's in this deal is a good sign in our democratic setup.

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Left gives green signal for IAEA talks