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Left has nothing Left
by Pulkit Jain on Nov 16, 2007 10:21 PM

World has seen that everywhere communism has failed. And if not failed it has not been a major ideology more. People wants liberty, growth, money everything which wasn't possible under communism as it doesn't recognize liberty in true sense.

All these bunch of crooks has left with is opportunitism.

The basic of Communist ideology is economic equality of all irrespective of caste, religion, race, work etc. And its unfortunate that they supports quota on the basis of cast and religion and even doesn't mention economic backwardness while supporting it. Its really painful. And this is what opportunitism is.

Only thing that goes in favor of our communist leaders is that they are not tainted and corrupt. Perhaps because they had nothing to corrupt.

But still they are sticking with a failed ideology just for the namesake.

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Left gives green signal for IAEA talks