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America would get their piece of Cake
by John. P. Patrick on Nov 11, 2007 08:42 PM

The Self claimed World Police, could not ever have a neat and good foreign policy after the WW2. With the Lobby's in favour of Pakistan and President who has made the people of US to stand behind him for his attack on Middle East.
I have heard a saying from my friend..Scenario now has become so cheap could fit it with a joke.

"Fighting for terrorism is like F**king for Virginity"

India should be aware of the situation, Bargain the deal on Permanent position in the UN (could enjoy Veto power). And should never trust any one when it comes to her security.

They are worried abt Nukes reaching Al-Q and then to their cities...;) not so compasanate an attack on India. (Just an eye wash to attack on PAKI to sizege the Nuke).

Long live america. you will get you piece of cake for your well behaving.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'We are not certain about Pak's nukes'