There are only two things that every "would-be-politician" and journalists in karnataka have to say behind the scenes about MP Prakash. Choose which ever story you want.
Story 1: MP Prakash was never known for any kind of bold maneuver all his life not even once. And he himself has declared that he would not continue in politics past this term. The only reason he crossed the line was just to check if he could be a CM for the shortest term possible, so that he could be refered to as Ex CM of Karnataka for ever. And probably enjoy power till it fades.
Story 2: Gowda not being able to negotiate with any one directly and having found that they would take a beating in elections decided that it would be right to support BJP even for a short(est) term, and since BJP walked away without negotiating and congress trying to split JDS, Gowda convinced MP Prakash to enact al this Drama and become CM if things work out !
How can MP Prakash be honest? Quite frankly every single person in JDS is dishonest, And BJP has a extremely good understanding of this and they are going to form a governament with Gowda and then accuse congress for all ills in the country !
It has become a fad in BJP ( and supporters ) to accuse congress just to cover their own wrong doing. How on God's green earth can BJP accept that they are tying up with Gowda for greed of Power !!