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this is the time
by on Nov 04, 2007 09:14 PM

for Pakistanis to unite and kick out Musharraf from the country. This is a time when they can send a message to any army general that hopes to become a dictator that it will not work. If this time passes without any action, it will be a huge setback to all democratic institutions in Pakistan. The judiciary rose to the occasion but was cruelly put down. The people should take to the streets and restore democracy. It is is India's benefit that Pakistan be a democracy. The most trouble India has had is from elements operating without control in the Pakistan army and ISI. If Pakistan's military institutions are under civilian purview, this will stop most of the support the terrorists are getting from Pakistan. India should condemn the coup not play cute. If democracy is restored in Pakistan, India will be a huge beneficiary. We also need to let the people of Pakistan that India is with them during their hour of crisis. The BJP and the Communists have done the right thing by condemning the emergency. The Congress Party and the Government should do the same. First Burma and now this. Shame on the government. Madam gandhi talks about the real Gandhi at the UN but in practice it is different I guess.
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Mood sombre in Pak