Errm are you from Mars or Pakistan? LOL Sorry am enjoying the troubles of your(if your pakistani) country. Now you guys know how it is to have terrorists on your back(wanted use a word wasnt sure if the moderator allows that). You punks have been taking advantage of our Gandhian ideals and you take the name of Gandhi in vain.As for BJP and Communists they are a bunch of losers. so is congress.India is not with Pakistanis,where were they when the Jihadis attack us from there country. Are you bloody insane or think we are idiots and unintelligent people in India? "The most trouble India has had is from elements operating without control in the Pakistan army and ISI" - So these people create CONTROLLED trouble for India? Man if you were indian i would advise the guy next to you to throw you in the nearest river or ocean. We indians should enjoy this drama. Would it affect India, yeah when a fly sits on a elephant it irritates it a little bit, thats all thats going to happen.Let the US take care of its headache,Pakistan. Man am enjoying this!!Sorry but this is one thing.When this dude came to power everyone was like ooh he is the guy Pakistan has been waiting for.We indians talked to this Moron to bring peace and he got free advertisement and now he is bad?Give me a break.I am enjoying the pain and fear in this guys heart the very same he inflicted on our soldiers and citizens of India.Sympathy? sorry i have none. Jai Hind! Vande Mataram! For the pseudo seculars and the likes