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Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 03:03 PM

Though i m not supporting pakistan in anyway for a simple reason that i am an indian muslim.and any country who has an agenda against my country will not be supported by me neither will get sympathy from me . but Dont u think that pakistan is also inflicted by Terrorism. If Islam as a religion is spreading terrorism then who are terrorist killing pakistani Muslim ???? they should not just bcoz they also belong to same the point is its still happening bcoz they are not sparing muslims either which means they are not concerned about religous teachings !! they are more concerned about their political agenda. Taliban wants afganistan, Pakistani Terrorist wants kashmir,Iraqis wants iraq without US, Palestinians wants palestine..So to cut the story short. They are not imposing Islam on others, they want their Political Identity but at the cost of Innocent lives, which is a wrong method and they will never succeed in this. Allah dont Support those who kill innocent people or try to bring unrest in the society..
Got it!!
Actually Terrorism is all Politically Motivated.!!

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